Tipping, Tipping.

Posting has been sparse, because I've been busy!I've just passed on the final versions of poster shots for singer Lucia Evans for her upcoming gig. It's also the time of year for accounts, so I've catching up there a bit. My New Years resolution should really be to do a small bit everyday and not let it build up. I'm terrible for it, and doing it right would make life much easier. (Cue phone call to my accountant!)I've also mocked up an addition to LRB Portfolio, the Cmotion Javascript scroller. It looks great, and is of course optional, so you can choose to use it or not. I've not published yet, because on reading the terms of usage on the site, I'm feel I'm in a grey area and need permission.I ordered a Canon 5D MK II last week and I'm anxiously awaiting it! The prospect of using my 24-70 as a 24-70 again is great, along with the larger viewfinder! (Yes, I know there's a whole raft of reasons to love it besides that!). It means I'll be selling off a bunch of lenses too! I'll still keep the 40D as backup. I'll sell the 30D/17-85IS and get the 400d IR converted.The SWPP conference is this week, but due to work commitments, I won't be going unfortunately. I'm quite active over on the forums (but have more of a life than other posters there! You know who I mean Jinx!). The awards dinner is Sunday night, and while I did get quite a number of Golds during the year, we can only wait and see how I fared overall.It's time for a portfolio change too, so I'll be doing some model work later in the month. Stylist wanted!I'm making use of my free time early in the week to get stuff sorted at home. Such are the joys of recession!




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