
While I did get an inkling last night on the SWPP forum, I got a call from Jon Jenkins this morning informing me that I had won the SWPP Family Portraiture and Groups award. Jon had volunteered to collect for me if I won anything (just in case-I've had a few golds during the year after all!). He'd forgotten about it until he heard my name called, and then his for collecting it! I'd love to have been there, but weekends are very busy at the moment. I'll make time to go next year though, just for the networking!Now that I know what the award is for, let me talk about the shot. This is a shot of local band Disconnect 4 (you can check them out on MySpace). Martin from Bar No. 8 kindly allowed us to shoot around the bar one evening. We did a number of different setups, but I really like this one because of the expressions. Bands against a wall are a bit cliched and I usually avoid it, but this just worked for me. This is a Strobist style shot, with a single shoot thru umbrella, from over my head to give some 'butterfly light'. Nikon SB28, probably at 1/2 power, triggered with Skyports. Processing was done in Lightroom.