Split Frequencies for retouching.

While this isn't a new technique, it's new to me. Even at that it's no more than 3 years old. Only been playing with it a while and love it. Basically the steps create 2 new layers, one a blurred layer for low frequency and colour, and the second a linear light layer that contains the images details. Combined together these give you the original image. The benefit is you can fix texture without colour spill and fix colour without destroying texture. It's much better than my previous method using surface blur skin layer and a soft light high pass texture layer. Gary Hill has more refinements for a touch up layer that allows brushing and healing on the same layer.Anyhow the original detail can be found on Model Mayhem: Sean Baker on Split Frequencies. He even has an action there. It's complex initially to understand, but really powerful. There's more detail in the comments, but you really need to skip past the haters to get it.Here's a 1 part video of a 2 parter on it:httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poCE8M0-IyACan't link to part 2 as EMI have blocked it..Also there's this version too, based on the original MM post:httpv://youtu.be/dMyaeZmkZD8


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