New Movie Camera Announcement.

Being the 3rd November, everyone is waiting with baited breath to see what Canon will be announcing in Hollywood today at 3pm PST.LkOf course this post is actually nothing to do with that, but people probably think it is! Nope.. it's far more retro than that. I'm a Holga owner, and my first one was bought through the Lomography website. That means I paid over the odds for it, but I did get a nice photo book with it.Today, they've a big announcement about the Lomokino. It's a hand cranked movie camera that uses 35mm film. Not as 35mm, but rather 144 frames on a 36 shot film roll. There's also a kit with a KinoScope, that lets you play back the developed film, again a hand cranked device.Pricewise, you're looking at €65 for the camera, or €89 for a kit with the camera and KinoScope. Not bad for a little retro movie making.


Assets New Faces: Shahira Barry


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