It's been well over a month since I posted anything. I'd love to say it's because I've had nothing to post, but that would be a lie. It's been manic in truth. Let's see:

  • Makeup Course: Done and dusted (or blended maybe). Enjoyed this a lot. It was good fun
  • Focus on Imaging: I spoke on the Phototraining4U.com stand. Again great fun. Tiring, but great.
  • Buxton (residential week): I did Lightroom, Photoshop and Off Camera Flash stuff, some formal, some not. Again this was great. Signed up for next year already.
  • Word Press conversion of Lightroom Blog: I found out by accident that Blogger was cutting support for FTP sites, so I changed.
  • Lightroom 3 Beta 2 came out
  • More PT4U Videos done!
  • I'm updating seanmcfoto.com. Nothing to show yet.. Nearly there!

There's other things, but I'll leave them to their own posts!


SeanMcFoto.com 2010 is live

