It's seems that these days, I'm really working in cycles. The plugin update cycle, the weekend sound cycle, the learning cycle, for example. I'm pretty busy with a lot of stuff going on and from a practical point of view, it works better for me to devote blocks of time to each different thing, rather than an hour of this, followed by an hour of that. So I might do a run of video recording, with no thought of the edit process. That's a different mindset. Or book writing, which measures time in half days as a minimum. You need time to settle into a flow, and work best when in that flow.And now as if I don't have enough things for doing, I'm learning how to do basic makeup. It might sound odd, but it just gives me an additional tool to add to options for shoots where there is a low budget. I'm certainly not looking for an out on using a Make Up Artist, if anything, this course is teaching me how valuable a really good one is. I'm doing the beginners course at The School of Make Up Artistry. It's a 3 weekend course, 10-5 on Saturdays. I'm astounded by the amount of information I've picked up even with just 2 days under my belt. Yesterday I did 2 full day make up sets and one day to evening makeup. And I'm a bloke that never did makeup. One of the day makeups was a lady that popped in from the local coffee shop and left delighted with my work. That's simply bizarre. So obviously, I'm in the middle of a makeup learning cycle.LRB Exhibition 1.1 is feature complete and gone for beta testing. Mind you it's been quiet from them. Usually that's a good sign. LRB Portfolio will be the next item in the update cycle, then video editing for Phototraining4U.