The Overwhelm Conundrum

I’m busy. And there are never enough hours in the day, even when I get time to plan. This is both terrible and great. Great because I get paid and get to refine my equipment and update as needed. Terrible because I’m not getting to do things that I find personally enjoyable. Like flying a new drone, or booking projects for my personal work. Don’t get me wrong, I love my work, but all work and no play…

When I do get breaks, and want to approach creating new educational material, I look to my huge list of ideas, and I just get overwhelmed on starting. I know I could literally start on any one of them and that would be enough. But I don’t. My brain won’t let me. I’m paralysed by the decision. Yes everyone gets this, but in my case it’s chronic and one of the reasons why I think I have ADHD-I do have a child that is diagnsed so this isn’t out of nowhere.

What’s in the plan that’s not happening? More product reviews and tutorials. More software videos. Moving my mailing list to a member system where I can add more freebies. I’ve also considered that longer form writing on social could easily be reformatted for blogs, so that is also in the plan. I want to visit my friend Piet Van den Eynde in Belgium.

I also want to travel more. And I might even get to do that with my other passion: sound engineering. But for now, I guess I’m just busy and will try just sneak things onto the blog as I can.


Parade of the Planets


Lighroom Classic Catalogs and External Storage