X-T10 thoughts: 2 months later
I made the decision to get a Fuji X-T10 before it was officially launched on June. At the time it was a hesitant choice. I did love the files from my X-Pro1, but the feature set was truly lacking compared to even the E-M5 from Olympus that it replace. I didn't know if I want to go down the Fuji route at that point. Having only 3 lenses up to then (I'd only just got the 12mm Samyang at that point), I couldn't do all the jobs I wanted it for. I got a good price from Ray at the Galway Camera Shop, so I decided that if I bought it, at least it's new enough to get a good price if I needed to sell it on. Reviews of the camera essentially said that it was 90% of Fuji's flagship camera, at 60% of the price, so I felt it was great value.
So do I have a Fuji X-T10 for sale 2 months later? Not a chance in hell. While not the ultimate camera, I truly love it. I love the size, weight, files, the ergonomics. I love that I've been able to customize it, making it really responsive. I've used it for studio portraits, location fashion, press shots, food photos, astrophotography, etc etc.. the list goes on. It's just a beautiful camera to use. I'm now trying to decide do I get another one, or go for an X-T1.All of my interiors work since then has been shot on it. I worried if the files would be rejected from the Airbnb reviewers for their submissions, but everything has sailed through-bar one where I needed to lighten some of the images. Model clients, headshot clients and business clients have all been delighted with their images. The camera size has never been an issue.Now that I've waxed lyrical, let me talk about one thing that I can't do with the camera. It's not really the fault of the camera though, but a decision made by Fuji in relation to their flashes. Most companies have a red beam that fires from the front of the flash when it's dark to aid focus. Fuji's own EF-42 (which I own) is actually based on a Sunpak flash that has such a beam. The 3rd party Nissan i40 also has this light. But. And it's a big But, Fuji don't make use of it. So for my nightclub work, it misses focus on way too many shots. Like 50% of them. And it's simply because of the lack of the red focus beam. The camera does have a focus assist light, but it's not good enough in the club situation. The flash system is the weakest part of the Fuji ecosystem and one I desperately hope they look into soon.
For off camera flash, studio work and ambient lighting, the photos this camera creates are just gorgeous. I really want to switch to it full time. And what's more, the JPEGS from the camera are so good that I'd often consider using just them.
Other great features I use often: the wifi connection. It's great being able to remotely control the camera via Wifi. The articulated screen. Great for mid room height shots! Shutter speed. I love having the quick dial for stop jumps, but set it to T and you get all shutter speeds. Electronic shutter. Some of the gigs I've shots have been in churches where you can hear a pin drop, so having a silent shooting mode has been great.
So would I recommend this camera? Yep, not even a hint of hesitation on that either. I'm still recommending I buy myself a second one. I went for the Silver/Black version (faff).. it's just cooler than the black one, and I say that as someone with a black X-Pro1!