
Yes!On the way to the Grand Slam!Anyhow, before our great win against Scotland, I was off recording video. 25 mins of an introduction to LRB Portfolio 2.1 in fact.I've to edit the User Guide before this goes out though. I'll be posting the video to Lightroom Blog shortly.The rest of the day was spent organising upcoming shoots. They're for upcoming projects like books, portfolio and to have new material for tutorials.I'm off to a David Beckstead seminar tomorrow, looking forward to that, despite the fact that I'll be leaving my house at 6:15am. I mixing tonight so it'll be 3am when I get in.. Not so good. I'm the passenger on the trip up to Dublin, so I'll get some kip on the way.I'm putting together plans for new books, but I'm keeping the details under wraps. Suffice to say that one will be Lightroom related, with another more general book. I've also got a half written Web Engine guide, which was done for Lightroom 1 galleries, which I'll update for version 2 as I find time.Speaking of time, I'm really trying to manage my time more effectively. As a lot of my work is night based, I'm a stay at home father, minding my son during the afternoons. The mornings are slowly becoming part of my day again, and I'm finding it easier to sleep straight after work.


From Beckstead to Bed.


Patiently waiting