Tours, Photos and Exhibits

The middle of November was spent touring the UK with Mark Cleghorn, I've been covering it over on Lightroom Blog though, so I won't bore you here! It was hard work, and tiring, so I got little else done while on tour. So onto current news:

  • I've recently started using Animoto, and am loving it. I've done a post over on Lightroom Blog on workflow with it, so here's a sample slideshow:
  • My Exhibition opens next Thurday. More on that in another post coming up next
  • I've just sent a proposal letter into GMC on a new Lightroom book. If they accept it'll be heads down to finish it. If not, it'll be heads down to finish it anyway, either to shop around, or ePublish.
  • Along with models shoots, I've done a theatre promo shoot, jewelery shoots and products shoots, along with some video. I also have a full page image in Prudence magazine this month. I think it's time to add a commercial section to the website.
  • I'll blog these more when I get time, which has been tight this month, due to all the catchup I've been playing since getting back. As fun as blogging is, getting work and getting paid comes first!


    Sky Water Land Exhibition


    Winter with Alex