Too busy to post!

Since the release of LRB Portfolio, you might think I had a break after the development time? Well no actually. It was straight into 1.01 bug fixing and feature requests. The main bug was the menu going over too far in IE, but that's now fixed. There was also some instant update issues with some of the menu items. I replaced the variable to solve that. Images Per Gallery had a px after it. Now removed.As to features, I've a basic Flash music player added. I also made a little music loop in Reason to demo it. Because it's Flash, it won't preview on PC in Lua galleries. That's an IE limitation due to the way it handles plugins like flash. It does show with Preview in Browser though.Other feature requests done are: Option to remove the Home page link. Done, but you have to start on the home page.Page Title: you can have a different title on the title bar, rather than Site title, which is used on the main page.Logo Top Gap: Those worried that the gallery was too far down now have the option of setting this height from 0-200px (default is still 100px)..In Site Info I've added headers to each section for clarity.My latest is in the hands of testers and the file will be updated when all the new bugs introduced with the features are sorted out. Previous purchasers will be able to redownload. Those that used up the quota can email in for a refill.I don't have a time on this, because I don't know what they might find!Photowise, I've shot Sub Rosa for Red Track Music and some documentary and promo shots for The Weightless Astronauts. That involved one of guitar players standing on my sync cable and breaking something. I'm just not sure what.. I'll post copies when approval is had.


FM 100 Hue Test
