Sean McCormack Photography Author youtube galway

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The tip along

All you folks that are following along have probably dropped off by now. It's not like I've not been busy with stuff, or had nothing to blog. I can lay the blame squarely on a few things. One is Twitter. I spend way to much time on Twitter. It's a big, but enjoyable suckhole in my time. If it wasn't Twitter, it'd be some forum or other. But not Facebook. I use Facebook because I have to, not because I want to. The other thing is that with Lightroom Blog moving to Pixiq, I'm contracted to more posts that I would normally make there, 8 per month, when 4 was more like the average. Coupled with trying to find a new studio space again, I seem to keep putting off blogging. Of course there was a news Archetype Newsletter this month too, so I posted some stuff in that, which might have appeared here. If you don't get my Photographer geared newsletter, please sign up in the sidebar. I'm keeping the blog for photos and photo videos now.The big news photographically for me this month is that my exhibition moved from Galway City Musuem to Antons Cafe. And I have to say, it sits beautifully in that space. It really feels like home there. Halfway through I had a sudden thought that I should really be doing more BTS videos and dragged out the iPhone and pressed it into service. Here's the results, along with a short commentary. Be gentle, it's not meant to be quality!I recently put out a casting call on Model Mayhem to do some personal work towards building a fresher portfolio, especially for fashion. I was looking for more experienced models to work with. I got a lot of responses, but I'm looking for a specific amount of experience with this. Aisling Danagher was the first of these, and I've already posted a slideshow of the shoot, which I enjoyed a lot. Makeup was by Maureen Hanlon, currently studying with the School of Makeup Artistry. She did hair too, with a little encouragement from yours truly.Next in line there'll be more phoning and looking at spaces over the next few days, and with luck, I'll find something that's right, at the right price. I'm really itching for a place to shoot, store gear and teach photography and workflow.