SWPP Convention Classes

The SWPP Convention (or The Societies as they like to be called these days) is on in the Hilton Metropole on Edgeware Road in London from the 14th-18th January. I'm teaching 3 classes there: 2 2 hour Masterclasses, and 1 4 hour Superclass.Deeper into Lightroom SuperclassPresented by Sean McCormackSubject: Lightroom Hands On DigitalDay: Saturday 17th Jan 2015Time: 14.00 to 18.00 - SuperclassMain Speaker Sean McCormack in room : Tower Wing Boardrooms 2
Skimmed the surface of Lightroom? Get in deeper with a more intense look at the file management and development features of Lightroom. Learn the whys, as well as the how to's, for keeping your files managed and safe. Understand the inner workings of Lightroom catalogues and collections and get your photos out to clients using Publish Services, Export, Slideshow, Book and Web.This class must be booked in advance, with a limit of 15 spaces. As of writing there as still places available, so book now to avoid disappointment.Speedlights for Fun and Profit MasterclassPresented by Sean McCormackSubject: Lighting Techniques CreativityDay: Thursday 15th Jan 2015Time: 10.00 to 12.00 - MasterclassMain Speaker Sean McCormack in room : Thames Suite
Afraid of flash? Can't get it to do what you want? This class will take the fear out of the flash for you. Learn to make great use of on camera flash before knowing when to take the flash off camera, and how to modify the flash to make your light even more controlled and beautiful.For this class, I'll be showing loads of new flashes, modifiers and brackets: things that help you make better photos, get setup faster and give more control. All to help keep your shoots fast and fun.Lightroom Up to Speed MasterclassPresented by Sean McCormackSubject: Lightroom Digital TechniquesDay: Friday 16th Jan 2015Time: 16.00 to 17.30 - MasterclassMain Speaker Sean McCormack in room : Thames Suite
Make the most of Lightroom to speed up your file selection and management. Learn to process quicker, making the most out of the many batch features for both Library and Develop. Make use of Lightroom publish services to get files out to the cloud for easy image delivery.
This class is a look at different things to help your work move quicker in Lightroom, from the hardware right through to the software.


All the fun of the fair


The Thin Air