Performing Arts School

Yesterday I was shooting stuff for the Performing Arts School Galway, for a programme for their upcoming show. Due to the youth of the people involved I won't be posting any shots though.I was met by Conor and Dave, who graciously helped carry my gear in, in some of the worst rain we've had in ages. After looking for locations, we eventually shoot 90% of the stuff in the canteen. Backgrounds weren't optimal, but I made the most of it. I may try allowing light fallup to make backgrounds go black next time.For the headshots, I just used my Lastolite collapsible Black/White background. All was reasonably quick and it went well. I made use of a very old Lightroom galllery from the to post the images for client selection. The picks came in today and I made short work of the B&W conversion and minor retouching in Lightroom.




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