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Packing Quadras

Quadra Bag

One problem with having a 2 head Quadra kit is easy transport. I did get a nice case with the kit, and I even managed to make space for a second pack in it. But carrying this in one hand with a shoulder bag and a stands bag has proved fruitless.As I've a lot of varied kit, I have a variety of camera bags floating about. Knowing I've a reasonably long walk tomorrow with the kit means there was no way I was going to bring the case. So I looked through my bags and found a Lowe Pro Computrekker. I don't use it because when it's full of camera gear and a laptop, it's impossible to lift. But for this it's absolutely perfect.Strobist Info: Canon G10 with STE-2 triggering a 580EXII using ETTL, on a Lastolite Ezybox Hotshoe 60cm, held with the extension arm position to the rear of the bag. The G10 was near and was 'good enough' for a record shot like this.Update: After carting this around today, this rocks. Much more comfortable. Now to figure out a way of making carrying my 95cm Octa, Striplight, Beauty Dish, Maxispot and stands easier!