Sean McCormack Photography Author youtube galway

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I spoke to Kevin Cummins from NAIP on the phone today. I asked a few questions which seem to be on peoples minds and got quite reasonable and straightforward answers.On the issue of transparancy:"As we said at the launch, the aim of this organisation is to be as transparent as humanly possible."On founding members having Licentiateships:"The members already have Licentiateships from other organisations, so it's fitting that they have them here."On the process of going to higher distinction levels and competitions:"We intend using external judges. For example one of speakers Ramon Sammut holds Fellowship distinctions. Despite people thinking we are out to get the IPPA, we're not, and would use judges from there too. With distinctions, we want the people there to see the judging. If they fail they will know exactly why they failed, and can have time to ask the judges about it. The Licentiateship will not be an easy panel, we want the distinctions to be the highest quality."