
Today has been the last straw with constant email issues. I've had nothing but issues with outgoing email for ages, down to the point where I was using only one outgoing server. And when my automatic credit card payment didn't go through on my main account, I lost even that.Still this has prompted a session of getting everything set up again and I think I've finally got all my email addresses working again (bar one).Why more than one? Well besides using an throwaway address for online things that might attract spam, I like to keep my online presence a little partmentalised. My Lightroom blog has an address, as does this blog. My audio related work has an address for suppliers and clients. It's just the easiest way to deal with different slices of my pie. I also still have my old email addresses from when I was first on the net. I still get family email on these addresses, despite telling them I don't use it anymore!I guess some of this stems from my pre world wide web college days, where I had 2 or 3 address for college and a home address from my ISP. I even remember logging in via Telnet via a 2400 baud modem to check my accounts and read usenet groups via nn. Now that's a scary thought!


Recce Day


Blast from the past