It's getting to the time of year when Lightpainting is getting easier to do- there's more dark! I dragged Paul Noone out on Saturday to do some orbs. Paul had wire wool, so we did some wire wool too. Paul's camera battery was dead though, but he was still willing to undergo the burning head for the sake of the shot.
For the more camera oriented among you, shot with a Canon 5D Mark III, 17-40mm lens on a Manfrotto 055CXPRO3 Tripod with 486RC2 ball head. Even though Paul was there, the shots were triggered with an RF602 radio trigger. This is a flash trigger, but has an optional camera trigger cable too. The lens was switched to manual focus. The Orb shots were ISO1600 f4 20sec, while the wire wool was ISO800 f5.6 10 secs. Processed in Lightroom 5.6. The most important thing in getting the shot was being there.