Irving Penn @ National Portrait Gallery

As I wandered around the Tube shopping, I saw a poster for the Irving Penn Exhibition @ the National Portrait Gallery. I simply had to go and see it, especially as it ends on June 6th, and there's no real chance I'd get to see it again. So I made a beeline for it.Irving Penn is principally known for his work for Vogue from the 40's on. The exhibition goes through his career in different sections and it really was wonderful to behold. If you do get a chance to go to London this week, really, don't miss it.One thing I've seen others emulate, and I really want to do it myself, is the angled flats. Wonderful stuff. One of my favourite things there was the 2 portraits of Truman Capote, taken 17 years apart. While not together, it was still interesting to see the difference in the man in that time.


No Pain, No Pain


Circle of Confusion Podcast