In the wilds

As someone who has sold stock to numerous clients of image from Connemara, it's dreadful that I've had little chance to actually get out there and update with new images. Sunday proved fruitful though getting in about 200 miles around with a variety of different images as we chased the Light north! When I say we, I was out with fellow photographer Paul Feeney, a regular partner in crime on these trips.Our first major stop was at Camus Bay, where we got startled by the sudden arrival of Connemara ponies. We were setting up for Landscapes, but that quickly changed. I don't always carry longer lenses when out, put fortunately I had both the 70-200L and a 1.4X with me. Here's one of the ponies.


In some ways seeing the ponies made me think of some of the Lightroom Iceland Adventure shots. We were over a inlet from the poines, so we couldn't get any closer, so none of the cool closeup wide angle shots seen from there were feasible. We travelled towards Screebe next and found the rather picturesque hut has been fenced off from the road. A few waterfall shots and we were off. I'll post more in the coming days.As a change, I'm going to post the shots to and then post them inline here. I'm using MarsEdit to blog and it make this painless! Clicking the image will bring you to the post on


Paddy Lyons RIP


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