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In Focus

I'm all moved into the studio now, still a lot to be done though. Muslins to be hung, paper roll holder to go up. Presses and shelves to store things. A wheelie table for shooting tethered etc. Loving being there. Had a shoot with a playwright this morning, so hitting the ground running.Of course, I was only in a few days when my settling was interrupted by Focus On Imaging. I was speaking for again. I love them, they really care about making people into better photographers. I did 2 talks on retouching in Lightroom and Photoshop, along with a talk on Lightroom workflow. It wasn't not all sales and speaking though, there was time to see stuff. I'm definitely ordering a ringflash, specifically the ECO ringflash for the Quadra. Not just for the ringflash 'look', but for smooth fill too. I'm adding an extra striplight, along with black reflectors to sculpt faces better. Also going for a large parabolic umbrella for huge contrasty light. There's a few more bits coming, but they'll be visible in future issues of the Archetype newsletters (sign up in the sidebar), in the form of articles.I also got to look a loads of new products, like portrait books, frames and printed books. All good things when going into a studio business. I'm also starting to put together classes. The first one will be an evening class on 'Small Flash', covering on camera auto flash to manual off camera flash. Yes, there's loads of this on the net, but it's much easier to learn in a dedicated environment, where you get problems and issues answered there and then. Further details on this when I firm up the dates. Another thing that's half booked is a model day with Anita De Bauch in June. I'll do a dedicated post on this though.