10 photos of Burlesque Performer Harley Sparks

Warning: Due to the nature of Burlesque performance, this post is slightly NSFW, so I've posted the photos after the fold.With the range of people work I do, it's always a pleasure to work with performers of all kinds. Be they actors, models, personalities, or in this case Burlesque performers. I've seen Harley perform as part of The Dirty Circus, so it was fantastic to get a chance to do a shoot with her-especially one that incorporates a lot of coloured lights. As you may have noticed, I've been adding colour to my work of late.Being used to the stage, it made sense to add colour with Harley. Generally stages feature a mix of coloured lights to heighten the performance, so what better way to enhance a shoot than emulate that environment? DSCF8030-Edit_webDSCF8042-Edit_webDSCF8057_webDSCF8061-Edit_webDSCF8072-Edit_webDSCF8095-Edit_webDSCF8128-Edit_webFor the second part of the shoot, I took a leaf out of Brian Smith's book and went for a red velvet curtain background.DSCF8143-Edit_webDSCF8168-Edit_webDSCF8191-Edit_web


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