Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all. 2011 was a funny year. Lots of things happening, but still a tough year. I had 2 exhibitions this year, as well as the tail end of another. I moved into a new studio. I was a trainer at Buxton again this year: twice! My photo style has changed with the addition of composites to my body of work, as well as shooting loads of natural light too. I also started shooting for the Galway Independent, mostly social pics.I think for 2012, I might extend the composite work as far as an exhibition towards the end of the year (maybe!), it's something to think of as a goal. I've been reticent about going further with photo society qualifications, but I think it's time to go for an Associate panel. I also need to complete writing on a number of ebooks I have going!For fashion work, I think I'm going to go away from the portfolio look and gear more towards story based work. I guess this means more painting and set building!The main website doesn't reflect enough of my current work, so that will need an overhaul sometime in January. I still like the look of the site, I just need to update the content.Finally, I have some specific personal projects in mind and will start to reach out to people in the next few weeks to get them started. All the best folks, and have a great new year!


Making The Print: Review

