Sean McCormack Photography Author youtube galway

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Glor Tire Final

Glor Tire is TG4's search for a country singer show. I've been shooting production stills for them for 5 or 6 seasons now. Last Wed night was the final. Before the show I took formal shots of the finalists; Anthony McBrien, Grainne Gavigan and Michael Regan. The crowd was huge, the biggest at any final I've seen. Well done to the winner Michael Regan. I'll post some live shots later in the week.170413 GlorTireFinal 8075Micheal Regan with Glor Tire presenter Aoife Ní Thuairisg170413 GlorTireFinal 8073Glor Tire presenter Aoife Ní Thuairisg with finalist Anthony McBrien 170413 GlorTireFinal 8102Grainne Gavigan with Glor Tire presenter Aoife Ní Thuairisg170413 GlorTireFinal 8082Michael Regan with Glor Tire presenter Aoife Ní Thuairisg and judges John Creedon, Caitríona Ní Shúilleabháinn and Charlie McGettigan170413 GlorTireFinal 8085Grainne Gavigan with Glor Tire presenter Aoife Ní Thuairisg and judges John Creedon, Caitríona Ní Shúilleabháinn and Charlie McGettigan170413 GlorTireFinal 8091Anthony McBrien with Glor Tire presenter Aoife Ní Thuairisg and judges John Creedon, Caitríona Ní Shúilleabháinn and Charlie McGettigan170413 GlorTireFinal 8096 Glor Tire judges John Creedon, Caitríona Ní Shúilleabháinn and Charlie McGettigan