Fine Tuning

When I first got a Canon 5D Mark II (I'm on the Canon 5D Mark III now), I started to shoot video. I still do, but not as much as I'd like. I firmly believe that training is a vital part of learning. While you can learn a lot on your own (and I do!), nothing accelerates quite like taking a class. So I took a 5 week class in making shorts. I'd already done their documentary weekend class and enjoyed it. As part of the class we proposed a few ideas, and they ran with my idea to work with local instrument maker Paul Doyle.The short was shown at that years Film Fleadh, and while we were given a copy of the video, we weren't allowed show it online. Fortunately Galway Film Centre have put it up on their YouTube channel, so now I can finally get to show it off. Since then I've done a fair bit of video editing and with a sound engineering background, it's all come together to something I quite enjoy doing.httpv://



