Finding the gap
Well it's been an interesting few days. Both Matt Kloskowski and John Nack gave me a mention on their blogs, bringing extras visitors my way. Thanks lads!I did sort out my teething issues relating to how Mac zips up files and got a Mac zipper that's PC compatible (BetterZip). I've also knocked up a new version of the HSW website in a gallery, which is way more customisable. I'll publish that over at Lightroom-Blog and soon.

I'm also continuing with the large batch of general presets, including cross processing and special fx looks.Photowise, I had a shoot cancelled this evening, rescheduled for Sat. I also had a shoot with Nicola on Monday, more glamour oriented than the stuff I normally shoot. It was great fun in fairness!

I've sent RSAG photos into Red Track Music to go with a review from Yvonne from An Taobh Tuathail's Live radio broadcast in the Roisin Dubh last Friday. I'll post a link if and when it goes up.Anyway, I found the gap and squeezed something into the blog.