

As Bowie would sing.. I’m tired of my WP theme. I’m tired of the backend and constant updating. I tired of having to redo internal galleries. So I’ve moved to Squarespace. Making changes.

That’s not without a lot of backend work. It also means that I will have to go back and edit blogs to get correct image linking and video embeds. I’ll do this for key posts, but for really out of date posts, it means I will be pruning. A lot. It’s kinda like I’ve let the garden overgrow and now it’s time to cut back, plant new stuff and get watering.

If you find a post that’s bust, and you need to see that stuff. Holler.

I’ll be adding and editing galleries as I go. This will also be the first time I’ve included nudes on my main site. That will see a bit of work, as it’s just a start. So bear with me!

Also apologies for the terrible clipart. I never claimed to be a designer.


Lightroom Magazine 62


Lightroom Magazine Issue 61 Cover