Boyfights and Oh Boland on The Thin Air
Two Galway Bands were listed as part of The Thin Air's 15 for '15: Boyfights and Oh Boland. Ironically both bands share a member, Simon McDonagh, though in very different roles in each band. Here's the shots.Oh BolandThis was pretty much the last shot of the day before the rain came pouring down. As the band were heading home, Mango, the resident cat, came over for some loving and the guys were happy to oblige. It's very simply lit, just a tiny amount of fill flash from on camera to remove shadows on the faces from the top light that was prevalent in the square of the apartment complex. I simply adjusted the FEC (Flash Exposure Compensation) down until I was happy with the light in the shot.Boyfights
We shot a number of different looks for this, but this was the favourite. Again, not super complicated, but this time a 3 light setup. I made use of a chair to get extra height for a better shooting angle. The band are lit by a bare flash to my right, with 2 gelled flashes in the rear by means of the MagMod holder and gels. I love the MagMod stuff. Easy to put on, easy to change gels, and the grids are great.My start settings for these are usually ISO400, f5.6, 1/125 sec, with the flash at 1/16 power, with the flashes roughly 6 feet away. Gels eat about 1 stop of light, but darker gives a more saturated look. In the end I was closer to 1/4 power on each with the camera at ISO400, f7.1, 1/80sec.The hard copy version of the magazine will be out all over the country on Jan 15th, including Galway!