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During the tour with Mark Cleghorn, we had a day off on the Saturday, when we went to Wales vs South Africa. On the Sunday we made our way to Twickenham for the seminar on Monday. We didn't leave until late afternoon, so that gave me time to fit in a shoot with Becky Dee. I used some of the material from the shoot in the remaining seminars. Here's a selection of images from the shoot. It was interesting, because Becky normally only does Glamour and I don't usually shoot Glamour. Mark's reaction to the bedroom set stuff was one word: 'Overlit'. Oh well. Live and learn. Mark does have a preference for harder light, and while I often shoot like that, I didn't this time.Becky-8652.jpgBecky-8633.jpgBecky-8680.jpgMore after the jump. Becky-8700.jpgBecky-8744.jpgBecky-8763.jpgBecky-8780.jpgBecky-8839.jpgBecky-8880.jpgBecky-8891.jpgBecky-8943.jpg