Avon Angled Makeup brush + setup shot

While I've only completed a beginners course in makeup, I know from experience in other fields that buying cheap tools, means buying more. I have a large range of MAC brushes (129, 190, 187, 266, 239, yada yada), and a few NYX ones (the better, silver, range). I needed an angled brush, so I just bought an Avon model. I paid €7.50 for it, but I see that it's only €4.25 in the current catalog (Brochure 7 2010, page 29, number 5, code 10926). Well, what can I say about such a cheap brush? I've used it for contouring and I have to say: Perfect. It's exactly the right size and shape, and doesn't shed. That last bit is what clinches it for me. Now with the price dropped that low, it's an even better buy. I also got the foundation brush and the kabuki. The kabuki is much smaller than I expected. I may just use it for falloff, and the foundation brush is much smaller than the MAC 190 (like a 189 maybe)-good for fixing under the eyes, etc.And now for the photographers. Would you believe that the shot about was done with one old battery flash at 6:30am? I used a modified 540ez (I've added a sync cable) in manual mode at 1/128 power into a Micro Apollo micro softbox from the rear right. This then bounced off a white sheet of paper on the left held up by a book (Makeup by Rae Morris to be exact). On the right I had another sheet of paper filling in, held by my makeup case (it's okay, it's a small flight case). Finally I had the cover of the softbox, turned inside out over the top, to fill in the top hairs. It's silver on the inside BTW, hence being good for fill. The setup shot is below. I'll also mention that there was no background. You can kinda see the mess in the room in the setup shot, but at the higher shutter speed I shoat at, combined with the distance to it, it's gone black in the shot.

Next time, I'll do a better job cleaning the brush, the static from it was attracting dust after I rubbed it clean!