A start and an end.
As a photoblog, Random Panderings has almost died. It's not like I'm not shooting, I've shoot over 40Gb of Raw files this week. It's just that it no longer serves a purpose. Picking one image when I want to show 4 doesn't make sense. Also folderblog as a photoblogging tool has died a death, with no support for years and years. It was inevitable that it had to go. I've also been using MarsEdit with my other specific blogs (lightroom-blog.com and lightroom-news.com), so it seems obvious to use tools that interface with this. I also wanted to have a certain amount of story telling in my posts, rather than quick comments about a photo. Also the total lack of comments (bar a handful of you) means I've no idea if anyone even looks in!So the intention is to post more general stuff, a mix of tools, tales and photos. And to that end:
2 shots from The Dandy Worhols, as they played the final gig in the Big Top for the Galway Arts Festival.The standard procedure for gigs is first 3 songs, no flash. So bands like to screw with this. Debbie Harry wore sunglasses and a hoodie for the first few songs. The Dandy Worhols just left the lights down. We're taking 1/25s @ISO1600 f2.8 down @200mm. At least they weren't moving too fast! The third song had lots of light though! Phew!These 2 are from the earlier songs. If I get a chance, I'll add a few more to this post. I intend posting more festival stuff over the next while. I'll also be seeking out templates and designs for the blog, and I may create a Lightroom flash slideshow, specifically for the photos shown here.As for the old site? Try here!