A Deeper Frame

DeeperFrame_newrelease-coverspread.pngNot too long ago, we nearly lost a jewel in the photo training crown. Fortunately David duChemin is on the way to recovery after a bad fall a few months ago. While he has been working on a new print book ('Photographically Speaking'), he's also taken time out to write a new eBook for the company he helped found, Craft and Vision.Entitled 'A Deeper Frame', the book covers depth in photography. While depth can often refer to emotional depth, David says he's not referring to 'artsy photographs' for the 'art-nic crowd'. Here he's discussing creating the third dimension in the 2D world of the photograph.David goes through 7 methods to enhance depth in photography. It's not the longest of books (23 double spreads), but the photographs are beautiful, and demonstrate the points really well. I'd be remiss to repeat each of the methods, because that would give away the entire plot! Suffice to say that David goes into detail covering each method, both in the text and visually. By way of example, the first method is Perspective, where David shows how to use lines in the image draw the 'reader (vs the 'viewer') into the focal point. He also demonstrates moving from a flat image to a deep image using the example of trees on a river bank. Other topics include more shots with people, so this book is not aimed as a landscape or travel book, but the techniques applicable across genres of photography.While the book is short, the content is still filling. David keeps the focus on enhancing depth, and steers clear of his trademark 'vision' for this ebook. It's all technique. As with most of David's writing, the book is accessible, interesting and definitely inspiring. For that reason, I'd highly recommend it.There's the usual slew of first week discounts: For the first five days only, if you use the promotional code DEEP4 when you checkout, you can have the PDF version of A Deeper Frame for only $4 OR use the code DEEP20 to get 20% off when you buy 5 or more PDF ebooks from the Craft & Vision collection. These codes expire at 11:59pm PST July 2nd, 2011."The DEEPER" Blow-out OfferThere's also the deepest discount ever! 12 eBooks for $40. That's about 34% off the already ridiculous price. That's $3.33/book! Fill your shopping cart with 12 ebooks and use discount code DEEPER12 to get $20 off!Go to Craft and Vision and get it!


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