
500px.jpg Flickr has long been the bastion of photo sharing on the net, but truly it's like a bastard stepchild for Yahoo. They've no idea what to do with it, and nothing they do try makes it better. Quite the opposite is often the case. There are a few new contenders to throne and one of them is 500px. I'm not a bandwagon kind of guy. A lot of my photographers friends often jump on each new thing, but to be honest, I already have enough to do without adding another site to my list of things to maintain online. I let my Flickr Pro go this year and I suspect I'll be letting it linger. So after a while of leaving the bandwagon to settle, I've taken a closer look at 500px. To me it seems like a mix of Flickr and perhaps 1x.com, but without the secret handshake mysterious deciders of your fate. The photo interaction is community geared, but without the discussion groups. There are blogs however which are interesting in this concept, but I'm not sure that they foster community so much.So I've joined and uploaded my weekly quota of 20 photos as a free user for now. Whether or not I decide to be 'Awesome' (or is that too tacky?) remains to be seen.


Miss Galway 2011 Heat 1


Pre Model Day class