Reinvesting in business: the 50-140 Fuji

I've been investing in my gear, and because I love the Fuji X-T10 so much, it was time for their pro tele zoom to make its way into my camera bag.. of course my Fuji bag was tiny, so I got a new bag as well.

New bag too #lowering

A photo posted by Sean McCormack (@seanmcfoto) on

I picked up the Lowe Pro Urban Reporter 250 in a half price sale at my local camera store, Galway Camera Shop. It's also where I got my new lens, the Fujifilm X 50-140 F2.8 OIS. It's a red badged pro lens and weighs only slightly more than the slower non IS Canon F4 L 70-200 (The Fuji is 75-210 equivalent). While I do love bargains, I have bought a lot of my gear locally when I can.This lens is perfect for portraits, sports, and just for shooting things at a distance. At some stage I'll get the other main Pro Zoom lens, the 16-55 f2.8 OIS. For now the 18-55 f2.8-4.0 OIS will handle that range-something it does admirably.

Bought! #fujifilm 50-140 #lens #photographer

A photo posted by Sean McCormack (@seanmcfoto) on

The lens is superb. I gave it a go first out at the summer fairground at Leisureland, using it for detail shots of the Big Wheel there. Not all the lights appear to be working on it, but I still got some great shots. As the lens has a collar, I put the tripod release plate onto it for better balance. The X-T10 is a small camera, so I'm not risking that weight on the camera mount unsupported. Obviously I remembered to turn off the OIS (image stabilizer) when using a tripod.DSCF3343DSCF3356DSCF3362DSCF3367DSCF3370DSCF3374DSCF3377DSCF3401I've used the lens for a studio shoot this week for a client, but I did play with the lens using the wifi on the X-T10 to shoot some self portraits. They were mostly terrible. But I did get some I liked so I ran one through Snapped on my iPhone and then posted to Instagram. Can you tell I'm impressed with this lens?

I'm shooting a lot of my work on the Fuji now. All my Airbnb work is done on it now. The Wifi means I can remotely shoot when space is tight. I still use the Canon system for some work, especially low light work with flash like in nightclubs.


Playing with my food


Airport Shoot-Group Meetup