5 Great Things About The 60D

The 60D has just been announced, and this time it's a major jump in design and features. Some great new features, some changed features too. Here's some of the good stuff.1. Articulated screen. Canon have finally taken the plunge giving the 60D an articulated screen. Very useful for video, and for macro and ground level shots.2. Better metering. The 60D has the same 63 zone metering of the 7D.3. Video. The 60D has the same video as the 7D. Mix this with the articulated screen, and you have more versatile video options.4. Speedlite control. The 60D, like the 7D allows you to remotely control speedlites from the on camera flash. It's great to see this becoming a standard feature on Canon cameras. This is similar to the CLS Nikon users have had for ages. I love this on the 7D, so it's great to see it migrating to new cameras.5. Focus. While the 60D still has 9 focus points, they're all cross type, with the center cross being f2.8-type (meaning that it has higher precision with lenses of f2.8 or faster).


5 Bad Things About The Canon 60D


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