Opening Up
Lockdown really was a lockdown for me. I had a shoot at the end of December and that was it for a very long time. As my photo work is mostly deemed not essential, I couldn’t use the studio. Still paying rent, rates and electricity though. I’d like to imagine the €2000+ that have gone in there might’ve paid for a new lens or two, or a nice adventure when this is all over, but really, it’s just keeping me open. This is my personal site, so I’m not here to whine about work, so enough of that.
I did a few cool things and had a few nice things happen during lockdown-including odd bits of work deemed essential. The final of Glor Tire was on, so it was great to work in a crew, meeting all the gang from TVM and Gael Media. Of course there was also hearing live music being played and shooting performances with that. Congrats to Emma Donohue on her win.
For St Patricks Day, I did a shoot with Miss Galway, Pamela Uba. The photos were featured in The Sunday World. That was my first shoot with a person outside my household since the start of the year.
So what did I shoot instead? Sunsets at Ballyloughane beach. Galway, normally the wettest of cities gave some amazing displays. The Sun has gone too far around now to get those looks, but it was amazing while it lasted.
I’m writing. My old Craft and Vision book ‘Essential Development’ is well due an update, so I’ve been working away on that. 18 Chapters in now, with 1 section to rewrite, and 2-3 new chapters to include. Hopefully it’ll be ready by the end of next month. Here’s the provisional cover.
The provisional cover for the book. I’m not sure that there’ll be 25 chapters yet though!
Now that we can travel, I’ve started doing some personal shoots, outdoors and social distances. I’ve mentioned Pamela. Working in the hospital, she’s already vaccinated, and I’ve had my first shot, so it’s even safer. I hated missing the blossoms last year, so it was great to have it this year.
It looks like we’ll be opening again next month, so I really want to get back to some kind of normal! Shooting products and people. Places too. More than that just being able to meet people again. I’m very much a social animal. While I do need alone time to recharge, I think I’ve had plenty of that!